Well, twitter has some interesting people crawling around on it. I basically only follow Pornstars and webcam models on twitter. I only follow the ones who actually interact with people, so no it's not just about their pictures. I also follow pretty much anyone related to Howard Stern or who ends up on his show. Then there are the Atheists. They're probably my favorite group to follow on twitter because they typically engage people in debates. More specifically, the religious fanatics. Which brings me to my topic. The "Gay Agenda"
I've noticed there seems to be concept on twitter that I'd never heard of until I found twitter. That'd be this supposed "Gay Agenda." This concept is usually touted by religious fanatics and Christians. These are a group of people who are supposed to love everyone but typically I find they're full of hatred. I had a little bit of a debate last night with one. I will state he seems not to fit the Christian mold I Just mentioned. Well not the part about hatred. He does however think that gays have an agenda.
I questioned him on what this agenda was and his response was "To answer your question, its to make homosexuality completely socially acceptable and to persecute those who stand with God."
I completely disagree that the homosexual community has any agenda of any sort, save trying to gain equality in society. Just as any other civil rights movement. Blacks, Women, etc. They want the same rights everyone else has. They want to be treated as human beings. I find nothing wrong with this. People deserve the right to live their life how they see fit without persecution from anyone else so long as it does not directly interfere anyone else's ability to their basic rights. Homosexuality does not stop anyone from doing anything.
Gay people are also not full of hatred nor do they wish to persecute anyone. The concept that they'd persecute anyone is a bit hypocritical anyhow because they're often times persecuted for their lifestyle. That'd be like blacks hating gays. Which there are plenty of those. Most of them I've encountered could care less about people who "stand with God." I find no fault in their wanting people to accept them. This is not an agenda.
The matter of their right to get married is a very simple one in my opinion. It should be allowed. Here's the logic behind that statement. We founded this country based on the fact that religion and government were not to be mixed. I do not feel that any law should be made that has it's roots in religion. The concept that marriage is an institution that should only be between a man and a women is based on a religious value. Everyone I've heard who oppose same-sex marriage cites the Bible. Therefore, a law that prohibits such a concept is a religious law. The Constitution is pretty clear this should not take place. Therefore, any law that prohibits such an act is unconstitutional.
The issue of gays being allowed to get married is not a morality issue and the sanctity of marriage claim is also a joke with the extremely high divorce rates in this country. The issue is a matter of civil rights. Denying same-sex couples the right to get married would be the same as denying blacks, Muslims or any other group of people the right to marry based on their religion or lifestyle choices. They should be allowed the same benefits heterosexual couples are given when they get married.
I don't know if everyone on twitter who speaks about the "Gay Agenda" mean what this person I spoke with last night meant, but you'll never get me to agree that they have any kind of agenda. The use of the word agenda, in the context I've seen it most often, means that someone is up to no good. The desire to have the same rights as everyone else in this country is not bad.
Our country was founded by a group of people who fled a government forcing religious values on them. We're now trying to enact the exact same type of government on ourselves. I think they would be ashamed of what we've allowed this country to become.
I will admit, however, that this was the first open-minded person I've spoken with on twitter about a topic that conceded I might have a point about something. They even said they'd go read up on what I said. This was a refreshing change from the closed-minded bigots I typically come across.
I don't really feel like I conveyed my point as well as I did last night but I was just not in the mood nor did I have the energy to make it a blog last night. This is more of a readers digest version of the conversation last night, if you'd like to see the full thing, follow me on twitter.
I see I am partially responsible for this post. There is a GAY AGENDA. It is the push for social acceptance and legal equality of homosexuality in America. I am a Christian and I believe wholeheartedly that homosexuality is a demonically inspired sickness fueled and promoted by Satan. Call me controversial. Call me full of a hate. God calls me a follower of Jesus Christ and his apostles.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a drop of hate in me and neither does God or Jesus. I love gay people as children of God. That being said, just as they have the right in this free country to do and act how they want--I also have the same right to vote against same-sex marriage and not endorse a detestable sin.
Not all of us Christians are Ned Flander acting, close-minded, hateful bigots. There are many that claim to represent Christ but have Satan in their heart.
Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. I John 4:1
Jesus is not hate. Jesus is truth and life.
You are a good man, Brian. Spiritually blind and morally confused, but a good man at heart who loves his son and works hard for a living. I will pray for you. God Bless.